Embrace your heart chakra on the Full Snow Moon!
In honor of Valentine's Day and the big energy of a full moon, we’ll spend this gathering exploring our heart chakras: what energies and systems are associated with it, how to support it, and what intentions we want to infuse with heart energy in this season.
Join Annie, your friendly neighborhood witch, to mark the dark (AKA new) and full moon every month at The Space Within. Gather at 7 PM for reflection, ritual, and community. We’ll end by 8:30 with time to linger and commune in the space until 9.
Moon circles are always pay-what-you-can. The suggested amount is $20, but please do not let funds be a barrier. Contribute what you’re able to, whether that’s a few dollars, baked goods, or fresh produce from your garden.
You may want to bring a journal, a pen, and a mug for tea.