Crystal Index
Our indexed crystal resource page provides information about the healing properties of every stone available in our shop, and then some.
These stones are available for purchase at our brick-and-mortar shop in the Union Mill area of Baltimore City as well as in our online shop, which you can find here.
African turquoise is a stone that brings emotional balance. It eases mood swings and soothes aggravation, helping the user feel more optimistic. A stone of evolution, it supports inner growth and positive change. It opens the mind and leaves the user eager for new possibilities, supporting you to use the knowledge you already have and to access the knowledge of others that can support your growth for your highest good and for the highest good of all.
Agate is a gentle but powerful stone that comes in many different varieties. Though each variety has its own particular metaphysical properties, they all calm and balance energy while increasing stamina, vitality, and strength. Agates can be used to bring information to the surface that is deeply rooted in the subconscious. They cleanse and stabilize the auric field and improve concentration, perception, and analytical thinking abilities. Agates help release inner anger and tension while bringing a feeling of safety and security.
agate - dendritic (see “dendritic agate”)
agate - flower (see “flower agate”)
agate - Indian (see “indian agate”)
agate - moss (see “moss agate”)
agate - orca (see “orca agate”)
agate - tree (see “tree agate”)
Amazonite calms emotions, blocks electromagnetic pollution from computers and other electronics, and balances the yin (feminine) and yang (masculine) energies. This beautiful greenish-blue stone resonates with the heart chakra, but it also supports the throat and the third eye. Meditating with this stone can help you be open to messages from your guides. It can help you see different sides of an issue to deepen your understanding. It soothes anxiety and brings clarity, boosting your emotional and spiritual well-being. It can also support the body in healing following illness or injury.
Amber is fossilized tree sap, the oldest of which is around 50 million years old. This gemstone absorbs negative energy and releases soothing, bright energy—it’s like having a piece of the sun in your hand. It calms and supports balanced decision-making while increasing mental flexibility. It also supports courage and self-confidence.
amber - blue
Blue amber is fossilized sap from the extinct Hymenaea protera tree that fluoresces blue under UV light, making unique from all other amber. It can help the user find joy in life and calm the mind. It is believed to help spark creative ideas and balance emotions. It can help the user tap into their inner wisdom, offering peace and insight. Blue amber can help support feelings of self-esteem and focus in working toward goals.
Amethyst is one of the most common and easily recognizable stones. Known for its wide variety of translucent purples, this stone is known as the “universal sobering stone”—it helps the user create calm both inside and out. Amethyst is deeply healing and soothing, helping with physical maladies as well as mental/emotional and spiritual ones. It supports good sleep if you wear it, put it next to your bed, or under your pillow. It can dispel nightmares, though it can make dreams very vivid the closer it is to your body while you sleep. It is a very protective stone and can help to dispel feelings of anxiety or stress. It can help break up addictive patterns, both in behaviors and in relationships. It is a wonderful stone to use in meditation, creating a channel to your higher self and source energy.
Amethyst needs to be cleansed regularly, but don’t leave it in the sun to do so: the color will fade or change if subjected to sunlight or high heat.
amethyst - chevron
Chevron amethyst combines the gifts of amethyst with those of quartz, which is found within this beautiful banded stone. Quartz amplifies the effects of amethyst while also working in concert with the energy to help you release resistance to your spiritual growth and self-discovery. When used in meditation, it can help the user find the answers they are searching for, help them discover their path, and help to enhance their intuition.
Amethyst needs to be cleansed regularly, but don’t leave it in the sun to do so: the color will fade or change if subjected to sunlight or high heat.
Ammonites are the fossilized remains of ancient sea creatures called ammonoids, which have been extinct for 65 million years. Abundant and found on every continent, ammonites are related to the nautilus and the cuttlefish, squid-like mollusks. Because of their spiral shells, they are a symbol of change and positive motion. They can act like an energy filter, drawing in heavy, negative energy and transmuting it to something positive. Having spent millions of years buried in the earth, they are deeply earth-connected, full of healing earth energy that activates the root chakra, grounding and stabilizing your energy.
Angelite is a stone that calms and soothes, supports good communication and self-expression while helping to dispel fear, anger, resentment, and anxiety. As the name suggests, it helps to connect you to angelic energies, the energies of your guides and of your higher self, to give you a sense of deep peace and purpose.
This stone is a type of gypsum, so it is very delicate. It can easily chip if dropped or struck. It should not be cleansed with water or exposed to sweat, as it will absorb the water, causing it to crumble. This stone is best cleansed by placing it on a selenite charging pad, putting it in salt, holding it in your hands, or putting it in the sun.
Apatite stimulates the development of psychic gifts and spiritual connection while supporting communication on all levels. It balances the user on every level: mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. It increases motivation and draws off negativity while enhancing creativity and intellect. It eases frustration and confusion, irritability, sorrow, anger, and apathy. It encourages healthy behaviors that support the body, particularly healthy eating.
Apophyllite looks a lot like clear quartz, but it’s somehow even more clear and sparkly, often with smaller points. This beautiful stone connects to the angelic realm, helping to calm the mind and clear negativity. It is a very spiritual stone with especially high vibrations that includes both masculine and feminine energies that work together to gently connect the user to the highest realms, to deep insight, and even deeper healing. It can be used to support memory, relieve stress and anxiety, and let go of negative thought patterns.
aqua calcite (see “calcite - aqua”)
Aquamarine brings the color and energy of the ocean, allowing you to connect with this energy, and with the energies of water spirits, even when you are not near the water. It is deeply supportive of your throat chakra, helping to clear communication blocks and to support authentic self-expression. It helps remove your judgment of others and encourages quick-thinking. Aquamarine can help release old patterns that no longer serve you and bring new insights from your intuition. Because it is connected to water energy, it can help balance your energies to help you move with the natural flow of life without resistance.
Aragonite is an interesting-looking brown crystal that comes in ball-like clusters. It connects strongly to the lower chakras, rooting you into the earth, grounding and stabilizing your energy. It balances emotions and eliminates emotional fatigue. Because it supports so well with stress, it can also have the effect of giving you better sleep, more calm, and an easing of the other physical symptoms of stress. It helps improve self-confidence and ease in the world.
aragonite - blue
Blue aragonite helps with patience, intuition, and insight to our emotions and our closest relationships. It helps increase our confidence and self-worth, lessens the pain of anger and unneeded stress, and calms emotions. It increases energy and dispels emotional fatigue by grounding our negative energy and soothing the nervous system. Blue aragonite can be helpful for those who are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious. It can also help to promote communication and self-expression.
Arfvedsonite facilitates the arrival of your desires. It’s often mistaken for nuummite or astrophyllite – but this stone has powerful attraction magic that’s exclusively its own. Arfvedsonite is a divine healer, activating the root and third eye chakras, supporting grounding and stability while also awakening psychic abilities. Arfvedsonite relieves stress, clears the mind, centers thoughts, and aids creative visualization. It also helps you redirect your actions for the highest productivity.
autumn jasper (see “jasper - autumn”)
aventurine - blue
Blue aventurine is a sparkly blue stone that supports the healing and regulation of the physical heart and circulatory system. It is a great help when starting something new, bringing courage that helps us take responsibility for our lives and the situations we create. It supports serious, responsible, capable communication. It helps make us willing to get unstuck, releasing our stories of our own wounding so that we can move forward and heal. Blue aventurine supports the pursuit and teaching of wisdom. It increases our natural psychic gifts and helps us step into our own power.
aventurine - green
Green aventurine resonates strongly with the heart chakra. It is comforting, harmonizing, and brings luck to the user. It soothes the soul, regulates energy, and helps keep the heart open. It calms anxiety, helps lower blood pressure, and supports in recovery from long illnesses. Aventurine is a stone of abundance that helps with decisiveness. It supports with resilience and determination and supports emotional healing. It helps you heal old wounds while being less critical of yourself and your choices. Old patterns and past issues start to release and resolve with the support of green aventurine.
aventurine - peach
Peach aventurine is a quieting and centering stone, great to use in meditation. It can be used to support someone who is shy or who struggles with anxiety, as it will soothe the nerves and put the user at ease. It can lend the user a sense of calm and dignity that will help to quiet the voice of the inner critic, boosting their sense of self-worth. It can be used to increase mental clarity and to bring good luck.
aztec lapis
Aztec lapis is actually a type of jasper and has all the properties that jaspers share. It is protective, supports honesty with oneself, courage, quick thinking, organization, and imagination. It absorbs negative energy, balances masculine and feminine energies, and aligns the physical, emotional and mental bodies with the etheric realm.
Azurite, often found with malachite, is a powerful stone whose raw form, also like malachite’s, should not be handled for long periods, nor used for ritual baths or crystal elixirs, except through the indirect method. But both stones are powerful enough that they can have strong impacts even when placed in the environment. Azurite supports a state of higher awareness that helps develop psychic abilities and intuition. It clears old emotional blockages and stagnant energy, expanding the mind and clearing negativity. It helps to fire up creative impulses and brings an increased capacity for mental/emotional processing.
Baryte Roses
Baryte, sometimes spelled barite, sometimes grows in these beautiful rose-like formations. It dissolves programming and helps center and ground the user in order to find direction. It cleanses and rebalances chakra system and stimulates dreaming and dream recall. It helps overcome jealousy, eliminates feelings of shyness, inferiority, and pessimism, and increases will power. Baryte also supports creativity.
black tiger’s eye (see “tiger’s eye - black”)
Bloodstone is one of my favorites. This beautiful stone includes shades of dark green and red, supporting all four lower chakras. It is deeply healing, grounding, and cleansing, helping to protect the user from negative energy. It increases energy, strength, courage, and intuition. It helps to build emotional resilience, to stabilize mood, and to encourage the user to release resistance to their own natural flow and to the natural flow of life.
The properties of both heliotrope bloodstone (from India) and seftonite bloodstone (from Africa) are identical, though their appearances differ slightly. Heliotrope bloodstone tends to be more opaque, dark green with red jasper spots. Seftonite bloodstone is more grayish-green, with spots of translucency, and larger spots of red jasper.
blue amber (see “amber - blue”)
blue aragonite (see “aragonite - blue”)
blue calcite (see “calcite - blue”)
blue calsilica jasper (see “jasper - blue calsilica”)
blue lace agate
Blue lace agate supports confident, articulate, diplomatic communication. Its soothing nature cannot be overstated: it is cooling and calming mentally, emotionally, and physically. It neutralizes anger and inflammation, reduces stress levels and boosts the immune system, and eases an overactive mind, especially during meditation. Its slower vibration makes it an inherently stabilizing stone that is also deeply nurturing and supportive. Though it balances all the chakras, it is especially helpful with the throat and heart chakras. It releases fears of performance and public speaking and opens the heart to unconditional love.
blue aventurine (see “Aventurine - blue”)
blue opal (see “opal - blue”)
blue quartz (see “quartz - blue”)
blue tiger’s eye (see “tiger’s eye - blue”)
Botswana agate
Botswana agate soothes energy and emotions, improving feelings of positivity. It helps with focus and attention to detail, and it awakens sense of adventure. Botswana agate is traditionally thought to be beneficial to anyone connected to fire or smoke. It resonates with and supports the crown chakra, raising awareness of the collective unconscious and interconnectedness of all life. It helps during times of transition, bringing reassurance, resilience, and trust in the process. It encourages deep self-reflection and self-awareness.
boulder opal (see “opal - boulder”)
brecciated jasper (see “jasper - bracciated”)
Bronzite is deeply grounding, helping to alleviate nervousness or anxiety in new situations. It promotes mental clarity and certainty of thinking and actions. It helps to improve self-esteem and decision-making, dispels negativity, and enhances creativity. Bronzite can be used to help folks who work in service industries, as it brings not only calm but a sense of courtesy toward others. It is a versatile stone that can be used to support every chakra, but it resonates the most strongly with the lower three (root, sacrum, and solar plexus).
brown calcite (see “calcite - brown”)
bryozoan fossil
Bryozoan fossils are the remains of ancient corals, some of which resembled moss colonies. These abundant but individually unique fossils ground, balance, and center the user, bringing a calm adaptability. They support transformation and help with stability and personal growth. Wonderfully spiritual stones, they help connect with spirit guides. Used in meditation, they can assist with past life recall and shamanic journeying. Bryozoan fossils help the user to see the purpose of life on Earth and our part in it. They reconnect us with nature while supports visualization, imagination, intuition, and communication.
bumblebee jasper (see “jasper - bumblebee”)
Burmese jade (see “jade - Burmese”)
Calamine, most commonly associated with the pink liquid used to treat poison ivy and insect bites, is a beautiful aqua-blue stone that is composed of hemimorphite and smithsonite. Calamine increases positive energy and happiness, supporting the flow of good luck. It helps build confidence and self-reliance, supports good communication, and helps protect from negative energies. Calamine encourages feelings of safety and fulfillment in life while enhancing intuition, spiritual growth, empathy, and compassion.
calcite - aqua
All forms of calcite help with creating calm, balance, and earth-connectedness. Additionally, aqua calcite helps to soothe anxiety and to release negative cycles.
calcite - blue
All forms of calcite help with creating calm, balance, and earth-connectedness. Additionally, blue calcite balances emotions, calms anxiety, and soothes frayed nerves.
calcite - brown
All forms of calcite help with creating calm, balance, and earth-connectedness. Additionally, brown calcite protects from negative energy and brings a sense of peace.
Calcite - caribbean
Caribbean calcite, despite not being found in the Caribbean, brings the calming, soothing energy of that tropical paradise to any space it inhabits. It decreases feelings of anxiety, bringing calmness and improved sleep, and creates an energetic barrier against negative energies that disrupt your peace. It supports the self-awareness that is needed for emotional regulation, inspiring deep thinking and deep peace. Caribbean calcite helps users discover talents and limits, activates the throat chakra, and supports understanding and empathy.
calcite - clear or optical
All forms of calcite help with creating calm, balance, and earth-connectedness. Additionally, clear or optical calcite disperse negative energy and stagnation, bringing optimism and positivity.
calcite - green
All forms of calcite help with creating calm, balance, and earth-connectedness. Additionally, green calcite brings a renewed sense of purpose and vitality and a desire to make positive change.
calcite - honey
All forms of calcite help with creating calm, balance, and earth-connectedness. Additionally, honey calcite relaxes the mind and pivots focus to problems at hand and practical solutions.
calcite - lemurian aquatine
All forms of calcite help with creating calm, balance, and earth-connectedness. Additionally, Lemurian aquatine calcite vibrates with the energy of “flow,” resonating with the consciousness of the ancient highly spiritual civilization of Lemuria. This powerful stone connects the heart, third eye, and crown chakras, which further helps to balance and calm emotions. It opens the user to a higher dimensional consciousness to connect with higher self and guides.
calcite - orange
All forms of calcite help with creating calm, balance, and earth-connectedness. Additionally, orange calcite amplifies energy, balances emotions, releases fear and anxiety.
calcite - pink
Pink calcite is a stone of love and compassion, very similar to rose quartz. It supports compassion and unconditional love toward oneself as well as toward others. It connects to the energy of Quanyin, the Buddhist bodhisattva of compassion. It helps release blame and judgement. It is a powerful cleanser and amplifier of energy, clearing negative energies from any space.
calcite - yellow
All forms of calcite help with creating calm, balance, and earth-connectedness. Additionally, yellow calcite balances the solar plexus chakra, supporting self-confidence and hope. It clears old energy and patterns, including accumulated self-doubt. It purifies and clears out negative energy, supporting mental discernment and analysis. It helps the user connect to spirit guides and to process and release sorrow and grief.
calcite - white
White calcite unlocks inner vision and brings clarity. It helps access psychic abilities and increases positive energy by absorbing toxic energy and negativity. A stone of purity and balance, it opens and balances all of the chakras, supporting spiritual growth and removing energy blocks. White calcite stimulates imagination and creativity and supports emotional healing.
calcite - zebra
All forms of calcite help with creating calm, balance, and earth-connectedness. Additionally, zebra jasper brings deep emotions to the surface, bringing knowledge, happiness, inner strength, self-worth, and belonging.
calligraphy stone
Calligraphy stone stimulates the third eye and crown chakras, connecting you to strong spiritual energy. It can be used in past life journeys, Akashic record investigation, and automatic writing by connecting you more deeply to your spirit guides in meditation. Working with this stone can help release feelings of hopelessness and negativity. It also resonates with the solar plexus and sacral chakras, serving to protect the user. It can help dispel writer’s block.
This stone has been given many different names, so it can at times be hard to find. While “calligraphy stone” is one of the more common, it is also called Miriam (or Miryam) stone or jasper, Arabic Stone, Arabic Script Stone, script stone, elephant jasper, cobra script stone, snake agate, and snake jasper.
candle quartz (see “quartz - candle”)
Canvasite is a bright blue mineral that grows in a matrix of other stones. It is very delicate and should be placed in a space, not carried or held regularly. Canvasite is powerfully supportive of growth, both personal and spiritual, and helps us to connect with teachers and resources that will take us to the next level. It stimulates intuition and psychic abilities, helping improve visualizations in meditation and energy work. It brings joy and clarity, helping us realize our full potential. Canvasite helps us push past blockages or through ruts so that we can be more self-actualized and set and attain goals. It opens the mind to new insights and supports us in finding the right words to clearly verbalize them.
caribbean calcite (see “calcite - Caribbean”)
Carnelian is a beautiful orange stone that sometimes varies in shade between deep brownish-red and bright yellow. It supports all three of the lower chakras, but especially the sacral chakra. It is a stone of courage and passion, igniting the energies of the physical body, encouraging creativity, and deepening focus and analytical abilities. It helps you remain grounded and focused in present time and space, not worrying about the past or the future. It calms anger and helps make the user more compassionate to others.
Carnelian does not absorb energy to the same degree that other stones do, so it can be stored near other stones to help clear them. However, it is a good idea to still clear carnelian, either by running it under water, holding it in sacred smoke (sage, palo santo, mugwort, cedar, etc.), burying it in rice or earth, or simply by holding it in your hands and intending that it release any negative energies it has absorbed.
Celestite is associated with divine and celestial beings. It increases higher consciousness and mindfulness, connecting you deeply to those celestial energies. It supports discernment and higher spiritual awareness while helping to foster understanding and inner peace. It is a great stone for meditation. DO NOT GET IT WET! Cleansing should be done using smoke, energy, sunlight, or moonlight—it can be damaged by water.
chalcedony - truffle (see “truffle chalcedony”)
Chalcopyrite, or peacock ore, gets its name from the colors created by the oxidation of iron the surface of the stone. It is a very supportive stone that can help in beginning new habits, practices, or endeavors (particularly related to self-care). It helps to improve feelings of self-esteem, releasing self-doubt, stress, anxiety, and fear. It removes energy blockages and helps to balance all of the chakras and the entire energy body. It can also help to stimulate new ideas.
Charoite is a stone of transformation, helping to change negative emotions into positive ones. It supports self-esteem, creativity, inner strength, and assertiveness. It enhances inner knowing, helps to prevent psychic fatigue, removes blockages, and prevents overstimulation. It is powerfully grounding and protective while also opening the user to new, high-vibration energies. This beautiful purple stone resonates with the crown chakra, third eye, and solar plexus.
Chiastolite bestows courage, strength, power, perseverance, and calm. It is powerfully protective against negative energy, deflecting it rather than absorbing it. As it shields you from negative energy, it also helps you maintain your own energy, protecting you from energy vampires and stressful situations that threaten to deplete you. It has a strong connection to the cycle of death and rebirth, supporting in the acceptance of life beyond death. It is especially helpful during and following the transition of a loved one. Chiastolite is very grounding amid feelings of doubt, supporting resilience no matter the challenge. It supports feelings of safety and security and increases awareness during meditation.
Chrysocolla helps to calm the energy body while drawing out guilt, negativity, fears, and phobias. It helps to create emotional balance, healing heartache and increasing the capacity to love. It encourages self-awareness, creativity, honesty, impartiality, and joy. It enhances personal power and confidence.
Physically, it can offer support for arthritis, lung issues, blood disorders, bone disease, PMS, and menstrual cramps. It detoxifies liver, kidneys, and intestines, while helping to regulate blood pressure, support the immune system, and help strengthen the body as a whole, particularly the muscles.
chrysocolla in quartz
This stone includes all of the healing effects of both quartz and chrysocolla, and those of chrysocolla are amplified by the inclusion of quartz. This beautiful, colorful stone aligns all chakras with Divine energy. It works with throat chakra to support communication and works with the heart chakra to balance and strengthen heart energy, allowing the user to live a more heart-centered life. It enhances visions in meditation and supports spiritual growth, purifying energy on all levels and reinforcing relationship and family bonds.
chrysocolla and sHattuckite
Chrysocolla is such a powerful stone alone, but, when combined with shattuckite, it becomes a stone that brings soothing energy but also powerful shifts. It helps connect to Divine energy, releasing negativity and bringing truth and positivity. It encourages sharing experiences for the benefit of others, modeling truth through action instead of just through words. Chrysocolla in shattuckite supports intuition and spiritual growth, helping you make decisive action on your path and showing you where your life is out of alignment with that path.
Chrysoprase supports feelings of happiness, good fortune, and prosperity. It helps you see the gentle beauty within yourself, instilling poise, grace, and prudence. It helps release judgement of others and feelings both of inferiority and of superiority. It boosts self-esteem and creativity, attracting abundance and success. Chrysoprase supports mental clarity so you do not speak out in anger, and it helps heal a broken heart by balancing emotions, bringing acceptance of change.
cinnabar in quartz
Cinnabar is a powerful stone that is amplified and enhanced by the inclusion of quartz. It is a stone of prosperity that can help bring an increase of financial wealth. It helps develop psychic abilities and intuition and supports in our completing our Divine Purpose for this incarnation. Cinnabar increases mental alertness and creative thinking, supporting insights from dreams. It balances chakras and enhances life-force and breaks through inhibitions and self-doubt. A powerful stone of manifestation, cinnabar can bring both love and abundance of all kinds, but especially financial.
Citrine is the stone of abundance. This beautiful yellow crystal brings the energy of the sun into your life, while supporting the flow of everything positive. A citrine crystal placed in your wallet can bring financial abundance, while placing citrine in the back left corner of your home (the Feng Shui wealth corner) can help to bring peace and prosperity to your family. It protects your space as well, transmuting negative energy. This stone supports all three lower chakras, but especially the solar plexus. It can help overcome temporary (non-chemical) depression, communication issues, and anger. It encourages open-mindedness, discernment, and follow-through.
Citrine is often heat-treated to increase the color, and sometimes heat-treated amethyst is sold as citrine. Be mindful when buying citrine that the stone be truly yellow—and lighter yellow is not a bad thing! Lighter yellow means it is natural citrine—darker colors may indicate a stone that is not authentic.
clear calcite (see “calcite - clear or optical”)
Copal is “young” amber, aged tree sap that has formed a resin. Often burned for its cleansing smoke, it can also be used as a powerful stone that helps to calm and relieve anxiety. It also supports emotional balance and removes blockages, clearing and protecting the user from negative energy. Copal also increases clarity and creative expression.
Coral fossil
Coral fossils are stones of transformation. They ground and connect to Earth energy, helping us make life changes, especially supporting those we have been avoiding. It can support a host of physical ailments and disorders, particularly those of the pancreas, lungs, eyes, skin, and stomach.
crazy lace agate
Crazy lace agate looks like it has the energy that it has: it is light, gentle, and whimsical. A stone of support and encouragement, It brings joy and optimism, stability and strength. It balances emotional, physical, and mental energies, harmonizing energetic opposites (like yin/yang, good/bad, etc.). Crazy lace agate encourages flexibility in thought and action, lightening moods and helping overcome phobias, especially of spiders and insects.
Danburite is one of the highest vibration stones. It is a powerful support through every phase of grief after a loss. It soothes pain and lessens the weight of grief, grounding and centering the user. It also activates the crown chakra, allowing us to feel universal energetic connections, a gentle and comforting reminder that our loved one is still energetically part of our lives. Danburite is deeply calming, removing energy blocks, especially in the heart chakra. Its already pale color can fade when exposed to sunlight—do not charge danburite in the sun!
dendritic agate
Agate is a gentle but powerful stone that comes in many different varieties. Though each variety has its own particular metaphysical properties, they all calm and balance energy while increasing stamina, vitality, and strength. Agates can be used to bring information to the surface that is deeply rooted in the subconscious. They cleanse and stabilize the auric field and improve concentration, perception, and analytical thinking abilities. Agates help release inner anger and tension while bringing a feeling of safety and security. The “dendrites” in this stone are made of inclusions that help the stone be even more energy-clearing, protective, and grounding. Dendritic agate is known as the Stone of Plentitude. It brings abundance and fullness to all areas of life, from business to agricultural endeavors. It was associated with the ancient Greek dryads, woodland and tree spirits, and was buried in the fields at the time of sowing to insure a good harvest.
dendritic opal (see “opal - dendritic”)
diamond quartz (see “quartz - diamond”)
Dolomite is a gentle stone that supports mercy, unselfishness, and giving of all kinds. It enhances creativity and creative expression, helping to support manifesting the authentic inner self. It seals energy leakages from chakras, balances and aligns the whole chakra system, and stabilizes energy. Dolomite supports healing emotional wounds, loneliness, and anxiety while soothing anger and negative reactions. It brings joy and a positive attitude. Dolomite should be cleansed with sacred smoke, energy, sunlight, or moonlight—DO NOT GET IT WET! Because of its mineral composition, it can be damaged by water.
dragon’s blood jasper (see “jasper - dragon’s blood”)
Dumortierite is a stone of self-reliance and discipline, supporting patience and orderliness. It helps bring mental clarity, supporting memory and insight. A highly spiritual stone, it supports development of psychic abilities (clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, etc.) and connects us with messages from guides. It also helps with verbalizing ideas and beliefs, especially spiritual ones, making it a strong support for folks who read tarot cards, offer others spiritual messages, or engage in other spiritual divination practices. Dumortierite brings calm, happiness, and comfort, offering courage during difficult times and faith that the times will pass. It also supports emotional stamina and helps release compulsive behaviors.
Dumortierite in quartz
Dumortierite in quartz has all the same properties as dumortierite, amplified by and combined with the properties of quartz. Dumortierite is a stone of self-reliance and discipline, supporting patience and orderliness. It helps bring mental clarity, supporting memory and insight. A highly spiritual stone, it supports development of psychic abilities (clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, etc.) and connects us with messages from guides. It also helps with verbalizing ideas and beliefs, especially spiritual ones, making it a strong support for folks who read tarot cards, offer others spiritual messages, or engage in other spiritual divination practices. Dumortierite brings calm, happiness, and comfort, offering courage during difficult times and faith that the times will pass. It also supports emotional stamina and helps release compulsive behaviors. Quartz amplifies all of these qualities, especially the spiritual aspects.
elestial quartz (see “quartz - elestial”)
elimia agate
Elimia agate is composed of fossilized freshwater Elimia snail shells. It is also known as turritella agate because the snail shells were initially misidentified as Turritella genus sea snails, and the name has stuck for some. This unique stone is grounding and protective, connecting us deeply to nature. It is a stone of balance that helps us to balance our natural selves and our current highly technological society, supporting us as we reconnect with nature to help with the healing that needs to happen due to human damage to the environment. Elimia agate helps connect us with past personal issues, so we can see them for what they are and heal them. It supports during all aspects of conception, pregnancy, and childbirth. It clears energy blocks in all chakras, spiraling energy from the root chakra up through the crown. It calms and soothes anxiety and is a powerful guide in meditation.
Emerald is a life-affirming stone that opens the heart and calms emotions. It brings patience, balance, harmony, and inspiration. As the heart becomes more open, it supports giving and receiving of unconditional love, honesty, and loyalty. Emerald helps the user overcome misfortune, bringing joy and rejuvenation even at the worst times. It also helps with concentration and self-expression.
Eudialite helps you reach your goals and make positive changes, supporting your physical energy along the way. It is powerfully protective, keeping away both internal and external negativity. It grounds and balances, keeping you aligned with behaviors that will help you reach your goals. It supports self-reflection to see and embrace your talents and skills and use them for your own highest good. Eudialite improves confidence and feelings of personal power. Balancing emotions to avoid overreacting, it brings calm, composure, and reassurance. It enhances self-love and love and empathy for others.
faden quartz (see “quartz - faden”)
fire agate
This fiery stone truly looks like it was forged in fire—and it was. Created by volcanic activity 36 million years, fire agate protects against negative energy, supporting us in creating a more fulfilled life. It is grounding, protective, and calming while also stimulating energy and life force. It energizes the sacral chakra, bringing excitement and inspiration.
fire opal (see “opal - fire”)
flower agate
Flower agate looks almost like cherry blossom petals trapped in light pink translucent stone. It supports motivation and inner growth, helping the user to heal emotional wounds. It protects us from fear and self-doubt while working to reach our highest potential. Holding the energy of the Divine Feminine, it connects the root and heart chakras, nurturing us and healing us while inspiring creativity. It helps you to blossom while you cultivate your goals and inner healing.
Fluorite is a stone that supports in more ways than just about any other stone. Its versatility makes it a useful and important stone to carry and work with regularly. It is grounding and protecting, transmuting negative energies both from the user and from the environment. It is the stone of mental discernment, helping the user to ground their thoughts in present time and space. It can help you increase awareness of what thoughts and beliefs are actually your own, helping you to release unwanted narratives about yourself and the world. It supports calm, focused thinking, even in chaotic and stressful situations.
galaxy jasper (see “jasper - galaxy”)
Galena is a very heavy stone that includes lead. It is grounding and protective, helping overcome fears and supporting when doing shadow work. Galena brings all aspects of being into balance while bringing up deep emotions for healing. It also supports courage when feeling uncomfortable or vulnerable.
garden quartz (see “quartz - garden”)
garnet - almandine
Almandine garnet is what most people picture when they think of a garnet: a rich, deep, red stone that embodies the energies of passion, strength, and creativity. It supports the user in moments of transformation and change, both in self and in life. It helps to create balance and emotional stability while also protecting the user. It can bring to the surface the things that are holding you back and promotes higher thinking and self-empowerment to release those things while holding on to the things that are aligned with your highest good. It is a stone of loyalty in relationships and inspires love and passion.
garnet - grossular
Grossular garnet is a green garnet, also known as African jade, that is considered a stone of hope and positive connection to nurturing Earth energy. A powerful prosperity stone, it not only brings prosperity and abundance but also releases scarcity mindsets. It encourages gratitude, service, and cooperation and heals personal limitations on every level (even when they’re self-imposed). Grossular garnet is regenerative, helping to shift negative behavioral patterns, especially around money and spending. It supports feelings of relaxation and going with the flow, boosting confidence and motivation, helping to bring visions into reality.
garnet - star
Star garnets, or asteriated almandine garnets, are relatively rare and are the official gemstone of the state of Idaho, where they are most commonly found. They have a naturally formed multi-rayed light reflection that resembles a star. Almandine garnets in general are a stone of friendship and passion that protects the user from negativity. Considered good luck, the star garnet also helps support faith and trust in Spirit, boosts vitality and motivation, and improves creativity and self-confidence. These beautiful stones support the root chakra, bringing balance, grounding, and a strong foundation for personal growth. They also help release old and unhelpful thought patterns that get in the way of moving forward.
Garnierite, commonly referred to as green moonstone, is a variety of serpentine with a high nickel content. This chemical element gives garnierite its unique milky green color. Garnierite is a unique stone that contains the true essence of life. This stone offers a sense of innocence and joy that permeate your own vibrations to align your heart chakra. Gently but potently supporting deep inner work, it offers protection during shadow work. It supports feelings of love, compassion, and emotional understanding. It can help the user deeply connect to their emotional body, healing the effects of trauma.
gray-banded agate
Gray banded agate is a beautiful stone that balances yin and yang energy and harmonizes mental, emotional, and physical aspects. It is grounding and centering and raises consciousness to support spiritual growth. It is also protective, transmuting negative energy. It helps heal emotional dis-ease and boosts self-confidence and feelings of stability. It also helps the user to overcome trauma, bitterness, anger, and other negative emotions while improving perception and concentration.
green calcite (see “calcite - green”)
green flower jasper (see “jasper - green flower”)
green onyx (see “onyx - green”)
green opal (see “opal - green”)
green pectolite (see “pectolite - green”)
green quartz (see “quartz - green”)
green sardonyx (see “sardonyx - green”)
green tourmaline in quartz (see “tourmaline - green [in quartz]”)
Halite is a beautiful rock salt that varies in shade from pure white to a deep peach. It nurtures self-love and well-being, cultivating inner balance and purifying energy and emotions. It soothes sorrow and grief from a broken heart, supporting peace and perspective and releasing suppressed emotions. Halite also protects us from negative attachments. For cleansing, use smoke, energy, sunlight, or moonlight—DO NOT GET IT WET! It will dissolve in water.
Healerite is a stone that is made for healing the user as a whole, mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. It calms, promoting heart-centered awareness, while invoking joy, generosity, and intimacy. It can heal wounds from this life but also from past lives. It supports healers in creating balance in their lives so that they don’t neglect themselves while caring for others. It can help calm the user in times of stress, while increasing inner vitality and energy. It is a stone of longevity, healing, and rejuvenation on every level.
Hematite can act as a mirror for negative and unwanted energies, reflecting them away from you. It is grounding and protective—a great stone to carry with you if you work with others, especially in a service industry or in a work environment that is toxic or stressful. One of the most abundant stones on the earth’s surface, hematite promotes feelings of safety and security. It can bring tenacity, determination, and calm to the user, as well as supporting focus and logical thinking. It is helpful for shy people who are trying to overcome their tendency to avoid interacting: it can increase feelings of self-esteem and confidence. Hematite can also support the user in releasing any unwanted habits.
hematoid quartz (see “quartz - hematoid”)
herkimer diamond
Herkimer diamonds are not “true” diamonds, but they are no less beautiful and highly sought-after. Typically having six sides and double terminations, they are found in Herkimer County, NY. These powerful stones that clear out energetic blockages and raise spiritual awareness. They help with clarity and help guide you on the right path. Considered the “stone of attunement,” they nurture visions and clairvoyance, support clairaudience and past-life recall, and help connect with spirit guides. Herkimer diamonds bring balance and spiritual growth and support self-actualization, but they can also help with migraines and motion sickness and can be used to charge other stones. They do need to be cleansed periodically, however—they can be treated like quartz in cleansing and charging.
Heulandite is often found in zeolite clusters with other minerals. It can be used in meditation to help you access ancient wisdom and that Akashic records. It helps you tap into the messages in your dreams. It unlocks the connection between your heart and your head so that you can center yourself in heart wisdom. It calms the mind and improves mental clarity.
honey calcite (see “calcite - honey”)
Howlite strengthens memory and stimulates desire to learn. It can calm an over-active mind, especially when it interferes with sleep and rest. It supports the user in developing ambitions, acting on them, and achieving them. It helps to release anger and stress while teaching patience. It supports with self-awareness and communication, particularly emotional expression.
hyalite opal (see “opal - hyalite”)
indian agate
Indian agate offers the user strength, courage, and protection. It calms the body and soothes the soul while promoting healing and bringing good luck. It helps to balance the yin/yang or masculine/feminine energies, which helps to bring balance to the user’s life. It improves analytical thinking, concentration, and memory. It activates the second (sacral) chakra, encouraging creative self-expression and emotional balance, supporting self-esteem, and releasing emotional and creative blocks. It is protective and stabilizing, both energetically and emotionally.
indigo gabbro
Also known as merlinite, indigo gabbro is an igneous rock that is a combination of several minerals, usually including quartz and feldspar. It can support insight, helping users go deeper to learn about their innermost selves, work with their shadows to overcome past trauma. It can support strength and courage in challenging situations and can help us see beauty that is sometimes shrouded or hidden. While it is grounding and can help balance all of the chakras, it resonates most strongly with the crown, connecting the user to higher knowledge and guidance. It helps you to follow your heart, processing and releasing deeply rooted issues that are getting in the way of your happiness. Used in meditation, it can help connect you with your insight and gifts, like clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience, and claircognzance.
infinite stone
Infinite stone is a stone of deep heart healing that removes negative energies or blocks from every level of your being. It can clear emotional patterns that go as deep as a cellular level. It connects you to the vibrations of the earth while also protecting you from harmful environmental and energetic pollution. Infinite stone repairs and protects your energetic field and supports the development of psychic abilities. It supports good health, nourishment, follow-through with projects, resilience, and new beginnings. It will help you learn from past mistakes and to move forward with an abundance mindset. Infinite stone will help you face emotional pain, grief, and insecurity so that you can process and heal them. Though it strongly supports the heart, it can also be used to support the root chakra, dissolving survival-based fears and blockages.
Iolite’s name comes from the Greek word “ios,” which means violet. A beautiful stone that varies in color from gray to blue to violet, iolite is like a spiritual compass, a stone of vision that guides you on pathways to new ways of thinking about life, the world, and yourself. It calms the energy, can dissolve migraines, supports digestion, and helps bring sleep to those suffering from insomnia. The perspective it brings can help you as you get to know yourself so that you can trust your own inner strength, release fears, and stand in alignment with your beliefs and values. It brings you back to your body and back to yourself when you are feeling scattered by life events. Strongly supporting self-reliance, it helps to resolve issues that lead to codependency and helps us learn to self-soothe by turning us inward to receive the unconditional love and strength that has always been there.
jade - Burmese
There are several types of jade, and Burmese jade, often referred to as jadeite, is a high-quality stone with great variation in color. Like other types of jade, absorbs negative energy, supports overall health, and brings luck and abundance. It is prized around the world, but especially in East Asia, as a stone that brings balance, gentleness, harmony, and serenity. Though jade and jadeite can be found all over the world, Burmese jade is considered some of the most prized. It can support in dreamwork and in connecting to the higher realms. It is a cleansing stone that helps the organs to heal from toxins and the body to heal itself. It helps to release negative thought patterns and to bring courage, wisdom, and self-sufficiency. Resonating deeply with the heart chakra, it helps to soothe the heart and to bring it in harmony with the world, enhancing ability to trust, to love, and to have compassion for oneself and for others.
jade - lemon
Lemon jade is said to promote emotional balance, attract abundance and prosperity, and even enhance creativity and intuition. It helps relieve stress, promotes clarity and focus, and supports energetic balance. It is said to have grounding qualities that allow one to stay calm when confronted with difficult decisions or situations. It balances mood swings, enhances the understanding of dreams, as is believed to be the bringer of good luck. It is valued as a blood cleanser and for disorders of the nervous system. A very soothing mineral to hold, it gently works on the digestive system and sacral and base chakras.
jade - nephrite
Nephrite jade is a form of jade that includes actinolite—this makes it a stronger but just as spiritually valuable as pure jade (jadeite). It supports feelings of peace, serenity, and balance by offering feelings of physical and emotional wellbeing, especially at difficult times and in challenging situations. It is protective and brings abundance. It can help transmute negative energies and feelings of low motivation into positive feelings and forward movement.
Jadeite is one of two types of jade but is what most people think of as “jade.” Tougher than closely related nephrite jade, it is often used in jewelry and carvings. It is known to protect the wearer and absorb negative energy. It supports physical health and brings abundance, luck, and prosperity. Jadeite encourages creativity and supports spiritual growth by helping access meaning in dreams and helping connect to the spirit realm.
jasper - autumn
Autumn jasper helps us move beyond just surviving to making us glad to be alive. It helps to ground and center the wearer, providing support while inspiring tranquility. It dispels negative energy, both personal and environmental, helping the user reconnect with the Earth.
jasper - blue calsilica
Jaspers are the nurturers, the healers, and the spirit stones of courage and wisdom. They all carry a strong connection to the Earth's energy, making their healing properties very beneficial for grounding, stability, and strength. Blue calsilica jasper connects you to the spiritual world, stimulates the throat chakra, balances yin and yang energies, and stabilizes the aura.
jasper - brecciated
Brecciated jasper is a varied stone that comes in tones of red, orange, and peach due to a high iron content. It is identified by its almost spotted pattern. It supports mental clarity and focus. It can help to increase organization while helping to decrease stress. It calms while helping to bring a sense of understanding toward others. It brings love and tolerance for others. It can support in working out problems and in enhancing willpower and confidence. It also brings balance and protection.
jasper - bumblebee
Bumblebee jasper is a strong earth energy stone that helps you to channel the joyful resourcefulness of the bumblebee. It supports your creativity and positivity while encouraging you to continue to evolve spiritually. It is a stone of manifestation that supports the sacral and solar plexus chakras. It helps us to direct our energies toward shifting behaviors that get in the way of doing right by ourselves. Bumblebee jasper brings the joyful, curious nature of its namesake to everything you do, firing up your creative center and bringing opportunities. It is a stone of transformation and courage that enhances self-esteem.
jasper - dalmation
Dalmatian jasper is a playful stone, allowing you to get in touch with your inner child for healing. It helps us release old resentments, feelings of hurt or anger, bitterness, or stories about our limitations. In this release comes an increased focus on the positive things in life. The dark spots are tourmaline, a deeply grounding and protective stone, adding these qualities to the dalmatian jasper. By helping to ground, protect, and release negativity, this stone helps us to center openness, joy, and laughter in our lives. It an offer an instant boost of energy when you are feeling depleted, and it can help you feel calm and unconcerned if you are faced with a threat or uncomfortable situation.
jasper - dragon’s blood
Dragon’s blood jasper, or dragon blood stone, looks a bit like bloodstone, but darker and more dynamic. This green and red stone is a stone of abundance—of all kinds. Whether you are hoping to manifest love or money, dragon’s blood jasper helps you to achieve your goals that are for your highest good. It encourages spiritual growth and self-healing through self-reflection and release of false ideas of who you are, allowing you to find your true self. It helps to center and ground your energy, activates the chakras, and aligns the meridians. It helps to lift the emotions, bringing vitality and joy to life.
jasper - green flower
This recently discovered stone goes by several names, but it is nonetheless a powerfully healing one. Flower jasper supports the heart chakra, assisting the flow of heart energy throughout the body. It helps you to push through emotional blockages and release effects of past trauma. Once these are no longer taking up energetic space, this new space within allows the chakra system to come into alignment and for new, positive energies to move in. This deep emotional healing strengthens the mind, body, soul connection and helps awaken you to your soul mission.
jasper - imperial (or galaxy)
This jasper has enhanced colors that help the user choose the one that resonates the most, but they all share the same powerful healing properties. Imperial jasper brings emotional healing and connection both to your high heart chakra (between the throat and the heart) and to the energies of the higher realms. It also offers deep root connection, dispels negativity, and helps to bring inner peace.
The purple version of this stone is also known as galaxy jasper.
jasper - kambaba
Kambaba jasper is actually fossilized algae that is over a billion years old. It is a wonderful aid in meditation, as it can connect the user to the web of life. It calms the mind while boosting confidence, reducing feelings of fear and worry. It can help detoxify the body and support the immune system, while offering emotional balance, particularly at challenging times. It resonates with the root and heart chakras, helping to clear blockages in those areas.
jasper - leopardskin
Leopardskin jasper encourages absolute honesty, both with ourselves and with others. It releases stories about reality and allows the user to be with what is, rather than what they want or fear it to be. It helps bring courage in difficult situations, particularly in making hard decisions. It brings stability amid chaos, supports in ambitious goals, helps the user stand up for what’s right, and creates situations that help with personal growth.
Jasper - ocean and aqua sea sediment
Ocean and sea sediment jaspers channel the energy of the ocean, offering its user calm, tranquility, and peace. They can support optimism, even in trying times, while enhancing clear communication. They support self-confidence and insight, and they can help with a host of physical ailments, including PMS, eczema, anxiety, depression, and insomnia.
jasper - orbicular
Orbicular jasper facilitates connecting and communicating with animals, both on the physical and spiritual levels. It is very powerfully protective and supports strength and vitality. It attracts positive things aligned with our highest good, not necessarily with what we want. It is supremely nurturing, supporting in time of stress, bringing tranquility and peace.
jasper - picture
Picture jasper, with its beautiful earth-toned waves, helps the user find their place in the world. It creates space for us to process our mistakes or the unexpected things life brings because of our choices. It brings inner silence to help with this process and with the recall of early memories to gain clarity and work through to be released. Picture jasper is powerfully grounding, connecting us to Earth energy, bringing comfort and harmony, and releasing fear.
jasper - plum blossom
Plum blossom jasper, also known as plum blossom jade, is not technically either jasper or jade, but it is still a very powerful stone that helps you release your fears and have courage. It grounds you and reminds you that you can do anything. It has a calming, nurturing energy that relieves stress and helps you get to the heart of the matter. It promotes relaxation and helps you to slow down and take a breath. It also offers a sense of safety and security.
jasper - polychrome
Polychrome jasper is not only beautiful but useful. It helps us to embody our true self, supporting inner balance and helping reduce stress by supporting our adaptability to the environment. This jasper both grounds and motivates, helping us to connect to ancient Earth energies to uplift and rejuvenate life force energy. It supports self-love and courage and soothes anxiety by releasing trapped thoughts.
jasper - poppy
Poppy jasper is a very nurturing stone that brings positivity, happiness, courage, and wisdom. It’s supportive in times of stress and worry, grounding and protecting you against negative energy. It helps boost inspiration and motivation and promotes a sense of calm well-being. Poppy jasper is said to help with animal allergies, reducing symptoms when exposed to allergens. It boosts energy and encourages strong organ function, especially of the digestive organs. It also improves mental clarity, memory, communication, and organization.
jasper - rainforest
Rainforest jasper encourages a deeper, heart-based connection to the earth. It helps with self-love and patience (with self and others). It helps to infuse life with joy, brings positive change in life. It offers mental, physical, and spiritual stability and enhances creativity. This lovely green stone resonates with the heart chakra, balancing emotions and bringing clarity. It helps with achieving goals, especially financial ones, and with motivation—it releases procrastination. As it supports the heart, it helps to channel heart-centered communication.
jasper - red
Red jasper brings balance in physical and emotional wellbeing. It resonates with root chakra, grounding and protecting the user. It supports courageous creativity and helps keep focus and supports endurance in all tasks and in difficult situations. It ignites the inner fire of self-confidence and brings stability amid chaos.
jasper - yellow
Yellow jasper has mellow, calm energy. It helps us handle everything life brings while keeping an open heart, bringing balance and well-being to every area of life. It helps support us as we calmly work toward goals, reminding us to keep moving forward without stalling, rushing, or resistance. It helps to connect to the spiritual aspect of even the most mundane tasks and protects against negativity, boredom, and resentment.
jasper - zebra
Zebra jasper is a wonderful stone for fighting apathy—it helps to push away the lack of motivation, spurring the user to action. It helps to keep the user from over-thinking, allowing them to relax and enjoy the experience of living. It helps us to get out of our heads and into our bodies, to be fully present with the joyful experience of being alive. It resonates with the root chakra, stimulating that chakra to help the user feel more grounded and embodied, able to see all the beauty in the world. It comes in both black-and-white and brown-and-white forms.
Jet is created from dead trees buried deep within the earth that have been subjected to thousands of years of pressure and heat. The result is a deep black stone that is surprisingly lightweight, essentially fossilized charcoal. It can draw out negative energies from your physical and energetic bodies, making room for positive energy. It can help you figure out your path and use your talents and skills to reach your goals. It can help you own your mistakes and remain humble. Jet is particularly protective, helping to shield you from other people’s negative energies, while also helping you release anxiety, anger, fear, and worries in a healthy and positive way. It can help you restore balance and harmony to your emotions and to your life.
K2 Stone
K2 stone is found only on (and named after) the second-highest mountain in the world, K2, which is on the border of Pakistan-administered Kashmir and China-administered territory. It is very rare and hard to mine. Though geologists are still studying its composition, most believe it is composed of granite and azurite, sometimes malachite. It is a deeply calming stone that supports anxiety, stress, and depression and supports spiritual growth. K2 stone is very grounding, supporting the root chakra to bring feelings of safety and security. It also supports third eye, enhancing insight, inner peace, and clarity.
kambaba jasper (see “jasper - kambaba”)
Beautiful pinky-purple kunzite is deeply connected to heart energy and love, improving the ability to give and receive love. It supports connection between heart and mind, bringing calm and releasing negative thoughts. It helps heal heartache and brings joy, releasing emotional blockages. Kunzite supports having a loving and trusting heart, especially during times of trauma or change, bringing inner peace and self-love instead of feelings of negativity or doom and gloom.
kyanite - black
Black kyanite is an energy balancer. It can remove energetic blocks both in your body and your space. Like most black stones, it is very protective and grounding, while helping you release what no longer serves you. It helps to show the user how past life actions impact the present and how present actions may impact future lives. It supports intuition and dream recall. While doing all this, it also holds the qualities of blue kyanite in regard to clear communication—it can be particularly useful in situations of conflict from misunderstanding or miscommunication.
Kyanite - blue
Blue kyanite is particularly supportive of the throat chakra, helping to remove blockages to clear communication with self and others. It helps promote and maintain inner peace, tranquility, and harmony. It can help support with sleep issues and dissolves build-ups of mental and emotional stress.
Labradorite is my absolute favorite stone, shimmering with every color of the rainbow, most commonly greens and blues, looking like the Aurora Borealis was trapped in rock. It supports the user’s awareness of intuition and psychic abilities, helping to connect to the guidance of the higher spiritual realms. It is also very protective against negative energy and helps you tap into your creativity. It enhances mental clarity and calms restless thoughts while revitalizing your energy and stabilizing your mood. It is a stone of transformation and courage, supporting clear communication and deep spiritual connection.
lapis lazuli
Lapis is a calming and protective stone, with rich blues that are threaded with whites and grays from calcite and shiny gold from pyrite inclusions. It can help to reveal inner truths and wisdom while bringing deep peace and inner harmony. Its rich and long history speaks not only to its beautiful color but also to its many healing properties: it encourages self-awareness, self-confidence, and self-knowledge; it can soothe inflammation; it clears the throat chakra, helping the user to both speak and live in their truth. It releases anger, negative thought patterns, and anxiety. It supports clarity and objectivity and balances masculine and feminine energies. It can help you to develop goals and to find the determination to work to reach them. Lapis can help connect and integrate every level of your being—body, mind, and spirit—to attract abundance.
Larimar is a rare blue stone that comes from the Dominican Republic. It resembles the appearance of sunlight playing on water and embodies the cleansing calm of the ocean. It washes away anxious thoughts and clears your throat chakra to support self-expression and the embodiment of your true and authentic voice. It helps release self-sabotaging behaviors and thoughts while bringing courage.
Larvikite is a wonderful grounding and protecting stone that helps connect with the energies of the Earth and the spirits of Nature. It enhances psychic abilities and stimulates inner visions, blocks and repels negative energy, and stimulates creativity. It supports self-compassion by helping us see ourselves through the perspective of our higher self and having more confidence in our intelligence. It teaches patience and helps with closure and rational decision-making.
lava stone
Lava stone is not technically stone at all—it is volcanic rock formed from the cooling of lava, just as the name indicates. Lava stones are deeply calming and grounding, helping to release negative thoughts and feelings. These unassuming stones, formed from fire, represent rebirth and release and bring strength, power, and clarity to the user. They can support in releasing what no longer serves, or maybe never did. In addition to their healing properties, their porousness makes them a great vehicle for essential oils: you can put a drop or two of your favorite oil on a beaded bracelet, for example, and smell it all day long.
lemon jade (see “jade - lemon”)
lemurian aquatine calcite (see “calcite - lemurian aquatine”)
leopardskin jasper (see “jasper - leopardskin”)
Lepidolite is a mineral in the mica family, which you can see in the sparkles mixed in with its natural purple color. Also containing lithium, it is deeply calming and stabilizes mood, particularly when feelings of fear, anxiety, and worry are running rampant. (This stone has been my constant companion since the start of the pandemic.) It helps to clear out energetic and behavioral blockages and supports connecting to the guidance of your higher self. Often called the Stone of Transformation, it is great support in times of change. It mitigates the harmful side-effects of electromagnetic radiation from electrical lines, computers, televisions, and cell phones. It can help support restful sleep, so it’s great to have next to the bed. Though it is gentle, it is powerful and supportive.
Limestone is an assisting stone used to enhance healing properties, particularly of other stones that are often embedded in a limestone matrix. It encourages purification, reminds us of our innocence, grounds and centers us, and encourages positive thoughts.
lodolite (see “quartz - garden”)
White magnesite is a calming stone that helps to improve creative visualization and imagination. It supports feelings of deep peace and relaxation during meditation and activates the heart chakra. It brings a sense of personal happiness and self-love, increasing self-esteem. It can also help to develop or enhance psychic abilities.
mahogany obsidian (see “obsidian - mahogany”)
Malachite is a heart-opener and guardian. It protects from toxic energy, encourages letting go of old traumas and patterns, and gives courage to step outside comfort zones and embrace change. Malachite is very potent and should be handled carefully. It should not be held in its raw form, and it should not be used directly to make a crystal elixir.
Mookaite is a type of jasper that gets its name from Mookaite Creek in Australia, where it was discovered. It’s a deeply healing stone that connects the user to the earth energy, boosting your own feeling of energy and vitality, strength, and willpower. It helps the user feel open to change and new experiences while allowing the intuition to guide the best course of action. It helps to nourish and sustain while under stress, bringing a sense of tranquility. With mookaite, we are able to see all options and pick the best one. It supports emotional growth, acceptance of change, and adaptability, while reinvigorating trust in the healing power of Nature.
mookaite - brecciated
Brecciated mookaite is a stone of vitality and balance. It amplifies the life force and helps the user connect deeply to positive Earth energies. It can help increase the willpower and focus on goals. It can help the user accept the life changes willingly and to seek new experiences. Brecciated mookaite can help to ensure connection to one's life path. It can help relieve stress by bringing peace and feelings of wholeness.
Moonstone connects with the energy and cycles of the moon and of the Divine Feminine. It can help you to connect to your own cycles as well, and supports the health and wellness of the female reproductive organs. It activates the intuition and creativity while calming emotions. It can help to open the user to greater receptivity, compassion, and empathy.
moonstone - black
Black moonstone is a beautiful, dark that connects with cycles of the moon and of the Divine Feminine. It also help you to connect to your own cycles. It supports the health and wellness of the female reproductive organs, activates intuition and creativity, and calms emotions. Black moonstone improves receptivity, compassion, and empathy.
moonstone - peach
Peach moonstone supports the heart as it stimulates the mind, soothing worry or anxiety, and bringing out the best in people. Its loving energy promotes the divine in all situations and is an emotional support for intuitive or sensitive children.
moonstone - rainbow
Rainbow moonstone brings clarity, harmony, and hope. In addition to all of the properties of regular moonstone, it also enhances creativity, compassion, endurance, and inner confidence. It strengthens intuition and psychic perception, helping us to avoid tunnel vision by reminding us of to see all possibilities.
moonstone - red
Moonstone is a stone of new beginnings that is connected to moon and intuition. It connects us to and balances our own inner cycles and encourages lucid dreaming. It supports empathy and calms reactions to emotional triggers, balancing male/female energies. The high iron content in red moonstone also makes it a deeply grounding stone.
Morganite is a beautiful, calming, pale-pink stone known as the stone of Divine Love. It supports feelings of calm, ease, and joy, nurturing the heart and helping open the user to the magic of the world. Though it supports the flow of love both out and in, it strongly focuses on building self-love, self-care, and self-respect, allowing the user to weather anything. It also supports the physical health of the heart, settling heart palpitations.
moss agate
Moss agate, like all stones, carries the energy of the earth, but this stone particularly connects with all of the green life that grows here. It brings abundant harvests—of all kinds—wherever it is used. It is deeply heart-healing, keeping you connected to your roots in the earth, and bringing the peace and calm of nature to even the most tumultuous of circumstances. It cleanses you energetically, releasing anything not aligned with your own growth and bringing you back into balance with yourself and with the cycles of the earth. It supports your immune system, balances your moods, and enhances self-esteem and self-love. It helps to nurture great friendships and to create peace in relationships.
Narmada river stones
These smooth stones from the Narmada River in India support fertility and balance, and when they are specially formed in these elongated shapes, they are called Shiva Linghams. They are powerful fertility stones that are aligned with the energy of Lord Shiva, a Hindu diety. stabilize energy and support memory and expansion of spiritual consciousness. They offer clarity and a deep understanding of the nature of life. These stones resonate with and activate the sacral chakra, helping to ignite passion. They help us to understand our own true nature and identity so that we can break old patterns. They realign chakras and offer deeply transformative healing.
nephrite jade (see “jade - nephrite”)
Nuumite bridges the physical and spiritual realms. It supports in creating intense meditation experiences by unlocking the third eye and activating innate psychic abilities, while helping the user connect to spirit guides and past lives. Though it helps connect outward, it is also very protective.
Obsidian is glass created by the cooling of lava. It comes in different colors, but black is the most common. It is very protective against negative energy and powerfully grounding. Obsidian is deeply healing, helping to dissolve the effects of old traumas and to cut through falsehoods to truth. It helps you face all aspects of yourself for healing and to embrace your full self, supporting feelings of courage and unblocking and strengthening the root and solar plexus chakras.
obsidian - mahogany
Mahogany obsidian is powerfully grounding and protective, helping the user stand on their own convictions. It removes blocks and revitalizes goals, helps ease pain, and improves circulation. It activates the second chakra to enhance feelings of passion, helps the user connect to their guardian spirits and to the ever-present cycles of life. It also encourages secrets and hidden emotions to surface.
obsidian - snowflake
Snowflake obsidian is regular black obsidian (volcanic glass) with cristobalite inclusions that create a snowflake-like appearance. The stones don’t need to be covered in these snowflakes to carry the properties of both stones. Its properties include the grounding and protective aspects of black obsidian, but it also very calming and soothing. It teaches the user to value what is learned from mistakes as much as successes. It brings the user into a presence of mind that allows deep self-reflection to see self-sabotaging, stressful, or inaccurate thinking.
Obsidianite, sometimes referred to as “Apache tears,” is more gentle than regular obsidian. It helps guide us to learn important lessons in this life. It is strengthening, purifying, grounding, protecting us from parasitic and negative energies by absorbing them. It help us maintain positivity while weathering life’s ups and downs. Obsidianite supports forgiveness and offers comfort for those working through grief. It brings insight at times of distress and relieves long-held grudges. It also removes self-imposed limitations.
Olivine is not in fact a variety of jade—it is the same as peridot, the gem-quality version of this stone. Olivine is a deep green stone that gives a sense of focus, purpose, stability, and clarity to the user. It helps the user to feel safe and calm regardless of what is happening around them. It supports the heart chakra, helping the user connect to universal energies. It helps release anxiety, envy, resentment, and problematic behavior patterns.
onyx - black
Onyx comes in several colors, but black onyx is the one most people think of. It grounds, balances, and protects. It supports willpower and focus, while also helping motivation. It activates the root, solar plexus, and third eye chakras. It energizes the wearer, helping them to pursue dreams. It heals mentally, emotionally, and physically.
onyx - green
Green onyx supports with strength, willpower, and self-discipline while calming emotions by stimulating the heart. This inner calm helps the user to weather even the most stressful situations with deep peace, endurance, persistence, and connection to intuition. The user speaks truth from the heart with confidence, protected by this beautiful green and brown stone. It is a great support for those struggling with anxiety, particularly related to public speaking or performance.
opal - black
Black opals protect the entire physical, emotional, and energetic body, particularly from other people’s emotions and energy. It helps the user remain calm and relaxed even in uncomfortable situations. It helps us push through fear, even whatever we fear most. It builds confidence so that we can face and push through the obstacles we come up against and our feelings about those obstacles.
opal - blue
Blue opal is the color of water and brings its calming energy. It can help you connect to your angels, guides, and intuition. It supports during difficult times, helping the user release feelings of fear and helplessness. Blue opal helps balance emotions, boosting confidence and communication, while helping you stay on track toward your goals.
opal - boulder
Boulder opal, from Australia, is a calming stone, creating the same balance for the user as it does with its colors of light and dark mixed together. It can support self-actualization, self-awareness, and authenticity. It helps with forward movement, creating solutions for progress and growth. It can help the user discern messages in dreams while also facilitating deep spiritual and emotional healing.
opal - dendritic
Dendritic opal looks similar to dendritic agate, but it has different properties, both physically and metaphysically. It supports spiritual growth, aligning physical and spiritual energies to bring self-awareness and clarity. It supports discernment, helping release judgment of others and bringing the user more in tune with themselves and the true nature of life’s experiences. It balances the energies of all the chakras. Dendritic opal strengthens intuition and supports self-reflection, helping in personal growth and in finding their path.
opal - fire
These rare gemstones are usually found in volcanic rock formations in Mexico. Fire opals are created by water that gets trapped in lava floes. This beautiful fiery stone kindles love for all things and all aspects of life—other people, but also career, hobbies, and other passions. Fire opals bring luck and success in business and boost confidence in those who are shy. They encourage positive and healthy relationships while healing effects of bad relationships. They also support healthy sensuality and intimacy. These powerful stones dispel negativity and heal on every level of being (mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually).
opal - green
Green opal is deeply supportive of the heart, giving strength to face even recent heartbreak, trauma, and grief. It reminds us of our inner strength. When used in meditation, it can help to calm the emotions and quiet the mind. It helps to center us by releasing attachment to daydreams and distractions, grounding us in awareness of present time and space. It is easy to care for, but DO NOT PUT IN DIRECT SUN! This will cause the color to wash out and fade.
opal - hyalite
This rare, globular, translucent opal has the ability to help you know precisely what you need to know and do. It is one of the most psychic stones available, but it does not necessarily stimulate your own psychic senses, but it will offer you guidance. It will help you go deeply into meditation to connect with the intuition and with the spirit world. Hyalite opal is also protective, helps the user release limiting narratives, and helps to integrate the spiritual into the physical.
opal - pink
Pink opal is a beautiful stone that, like most pink stones, activates and unlocks the heart chakra, bringing calming, tranquil vibrations to every level of your being. It is a stone of spiritual awakening that improves the connection with your inner self. This improved connection brings greater self-reliance, self-compassion, and inner healing. It not only supports with this unconditional love you deserve to receive from yourself, it also helps to heal a broken heart.
optical calcite (see “calcite - clear or optical”)
orbicular jasper (see “jasper - orbicular”)
orca agate
Named for its black/grey/white pattern resembling an orca, or sometimes called ocean agate or blue agate for its ocean tones, this stone is incredibly soothing. If you need balance in your life, your health, your mind, there is no better stone than an agate.
Orca agate is a stone of protection and stability. It can help you to maintain your identity despite serious challenges in your life. This stone promotes inner empowerment and helps you to better manage the course of your life by dealing with any issues that arise with skill and confidence. It can help with organization, housekeeping, cleaning, mending, renovating, and clearing the clutter—both physically and energetically. It can bring clarity in decision-making and will encourage a peaceful inner serenity, enabling you to recognize hidden self-truths and free you from self-doubt. Orca agate will also give you the confidence to forgive yourself and to release negative feelings such as guilt, shame, wrath, fear, and blame.
orthoceras fossil
These incredible specimens are fossils of an extinct ancestor of the squid called the orthoceras. They are almost always found in groups, so having a single orthoceras fossil isn’t common. These formations are over 400 million years old and connect us to ancient earth wisdom. They enhance life-force energy and activate the root chakra, pushing us on the path of transformation to who we want to be. Orthoceras fossils help us learn from our mistakes to move forward and grow.
peach aventurine (see “aventurine - peach”)
peach moonstone (see “moonstone - peach”)
peach quartz (see “quartz - peach”)
Pectolite - green
Pectolite is a wisdom stone that is often used to bring peace and a deep sense of relaxation. It balances the chakras, especially the crown and third eye. It will inspire you to fully manifest your highest purpose in life and to let go of the past, accepting the life that you have and developing the patience to deal with its everyday stresses. It will also help you seek forgiveness and reconcile differences, helping to ease guilty feelings and grief while healing the body, heart, mind, and spirit from destructive behaviors and addictions. It will support you in curbing your temper, and it will teach you how to be more cheerful and dependable. This stone will bring you hope, balance, and discovery. It will also temper all excesses and neutralize your extremes.
Peridot is a beautiful green stone that gives a sense of focus, purpose, stability, and clarity to the user. It helps the user to feel safe and calm regardless of what is happening around them. It supports the heart chakra, helping the user connect to universal energies. It helps release anxiety, envy, resentment, and problematic behavior patterns.
petoskEy stone
Petoskey stone, named after the location in Michigan where it is most often found, is fossilized corals that are 350 million years old. This unique stone supports with recognizing and acknowledging emotions and helps with personal growth and development of self-love. It supports in developing intuition, boosts creativity, and brings abundance to creative projects.
petrified wood
Petrified wood is found all over the world. Ancient trees have been buried underground for millennia, and their cells have been replaced by mineral deposits. Because of this, petrified wood is a stone of transformation. It connects us deeply to the earth and supports feelings of safety and security, releasing survival-based fears. It helps us to be patient with slow change while also supporting strong willpower.
Phosphosiderite supports feelings of confidence and courage, allowing the user to carry out any task with skill and confidence. It helps one find strength and power within themselves, even when they have struggled to do so, and especially in impossible or even hopeless situations. It ignites inspiration, helping the user to see new possibilities where before there did not seem to be any, enhancing imagination and insight into problems and obstacles to happiness, helping to find solutions that may not be readily apparent. Phosposiderite enhances feelings of connectedness with spirit and with the Oneness to which we are all connected.
picasso stone
Picasso stone is a type of marble with very interesting patterns of markings. It is extremely nurturing, supporting with love and protection during times of stress and difficulty. It grounds and calms, bringing feelings of wholeness and releasing negative energies. This stone reminds us to celebrate life, encourages self-discipline and discernment, reassures, and supports perseverance.
picture jasper (see “jasper - picture”)
Pietersite is also known as “tempest stone” because of its stormy appearance. It can help to ground the spiritual being within the physical body while discharging negative energies from the auric field. It helps to ease emotional turmoil, restoring calm. Pietersite is wonderful to use during meditation, lifting the awareness quickly to a higher level. It activates the sacral and solar plexus chakras, as well as the third eye, creating a powerful increase in the will and in intuition. It offers strength and increases self-esteem.
pink calcite (see “calcite - pink”)
pink opal (see “opal - pink”)
plum blossom jasper (see “jasper - plum blossom”)
polychrome jasper (see “jasper - polychrome”)
prairie tanzanite
Prairie tanzanite soothes, calms, and relieves stress, even in times of confusion or crisis. It helps release anger, frustration, and fear, allowing us to see our own potential. It supports the throat chakra, helping to overcome fear of speaking up or sharing our truth. It also aids with clear communication when we are ready to speak. It supports stillness in meditation so that we can be fully present in the moment, and it reminds us to keep working toward our own personal growth and goals.
Prehnite is a stone of unconditional love, a stone that helps to “heal the healer.” It enhances precognition and intuition, harmonizes the user with elemental forces and nature. This stone is calming for both the user and the environment around them and helps alleviate nightmares, phobias, and fears. It is protective and helps us to let go of possessions or relationships that we are holding onto because of inner lack or scarcity fears.
prehnite with epidote
Prehnite is a beautiful translucent green stone that often includes pieces of dark green epidote. Prehnite is a stone that connects us deeply to spirit, bringing the physical and the spiritual together. Epidote is a natural amplifier, allowing the prehnite to connect even more strongly with guidance from spirit. It is wonderful support when working with tarot or other divination tools. Together, these stones helps us to focus on what we need, releasing our focus on material possessions, clearing toxins from our physical and spiritual bodies, letting go of excesses of possessions that serve as distractions, that block the flow of energy, or that muddy up the sacredness of your space. It supports strong boundaries, helps us say no to unreasonable requests, calms our energy, and creates a more healing environment.
preseli bluestone
This ancient stone carries an equally ancient energy. Preseli bluestone, the same type of stone from which Stonehenge is built, can help develop psychic abilities and support in connecting to your ancestors and maybe your own past lives, especially those of Celtic or British origin. It supports courage and willpower, grounding you and connecting you to earth energy. Sleeping with a small piece under your pillow may activate your dreams and support your spiritual gifts.
Pyrite, also known as “fools’ gold,” is anything but foolish. It unblocks creativity, allowing your ideas to soar. It is very grounding and protective, especially against “emotional vampires” and psychic attacks. It helps clear harmful EMFs and toxic thought patterns. It enhances strength and stability and supports the immune system in fighting viruses. It helps to build energy and confidence while releasing fears and anxiety. It activates and clears blockages in the sacral and solar plexus chakras.
quartz - blue
Blue quartz is a gentle stone that inspires personal growth and healing. It reminds us that each person’s journey is unique to them, helping to connect to their soul’s purpose. It helps ground in present time and space, keeping us calm and centered at difficult times. It builds empathy and connection, bringing calm self-confidence and ease. Blue quartz helps us move through fear by encouraging us to seek knowledge and by inspiring hope and self-trust.
quartz - candle
In addition to having the properties held by all varieties of clear quartz, candle quartz “lights the way” to your soul’s purpose. It brings hope closer, connecting you to your guardian angel. It enhances intuition and attracts abundance.
quartz - clear
Clear quartz is one of the most important stones to have in any collection. It amplifies any intention, whether it is your own intention or the intended properties of other stones nearby. This makes it a versatile and important tool in healing as well. Quartz likes to do healing work, so if you hold it in your hands and tell it your intention, it can help support whatever high-vibration goal you have. It can help to heal during illness or following medical procedures, calm you during a stressful workday, and protect from harmful electromagnetic frequencies from computers, phones, televisions, and other electronics. It can absorb negative energy from the environment or from your body. It can protect you and help to create internal and external balance.
Quartz is the easiest stone to clear, which is good because it should be cleared often. Hold it under running water or in your hands, intending that any energies it has absorbed are being released. Put it in the sun or the light of the moon. Hold it over medicinal smoke, like sage, mugwort, or palo santo. If you have been attuned to Reiki, you can use that healing energy to clear it, or you can charge it up with Reiki and ask the stone will continue to radiate Reiki into the environment after you leave. Clear it often, especially if you using it regularly or tasking it with a protective purpose.
quartz - diamond
Diamond quartz, similar to well-known Herkimer diamonds but found in Pakistan, shares all the properties of clear quartz, but this very special double-terminated formation gives them added power. It is an excellent meditation stone with a very high frequency energy, known to Lightworkers as an attunement stone. Two diamond quartz stones can be held simultaneously by two people in a brief meditation and then will allow the two to remain attuned to each other’s energy. This type of crystal transmits a very grounding, yet physically uplifting energy, helping to clear the mind and the body of unconscious fears and other negative energies.
quartz - elestial
"Elestial" refers to a particular formation of clear or smoky quartz (and sometimes amethyst) with multiple terminations and/or patterns “etched” into the surface. These powerful stones help to connect to Akashic Records. They are crystals of transformation that activate the third eye and help the user to connect to ancient knowledge and guidance, especially if used in meditation. On a physical level, they can help combat energetic burn-out.
quartz - faden
Faden quartz share all the properties of clear quartz, but this very special formation gives them added power. It aligns and energizes all of the chakras and strengthens the connection between your physical self and spirit self. It connects the user with the knowledge of unseen dimensions as well as of the Earth. Faden quartz are considered Master Healer stones, and they can facilitate a stronger intentional connection between a healer and their client—because all quartz is infinitely programmable, a healer can program this stone with healing intentions and then have their client hold it during a session. It brings feelings of stability and wellbeing on every level, and it facilitates a deeper connection with Source energy.
quartz - garden
Garden quartz, also known as lodolite, supports with dream recall. It stimulates spiritual growth and supports in shadow work. It heals and balances the body but also helps with past-life healing. When held during meditation, it can deepen the practice, supports in clear and authentic communication with spirit guides and with other people.
quartz - green
Green quartz can help bring peace and understanding in relationships and allows the wearer to approach stressful situations with patience and grace. Green quartz stimulates creativity and is believed to reduce anxiety, encourage financial success, and support healthy recovery after illness or surgery.
quartz - hematoid
Hematoid quartz has red inclusions that are iron from hematite. Because of these inclusions, these stones carry the properties of both stones: it is grounding and protective, calming and quieting the mind so that you can process things. It balances imbalances and dissolves negativity while inspiring original and creative thinking. The peace of mind this stone offers helps the user to find simple solutions to what may seem like difficult problems. It supports willpower, self-confidence, self-worth, and self-esteem.
quartz - peach
Peach quartz is not only beautiful but useful. It helps to transcend the mundane, connecting the user to the Divine. It promotes compassion and empathy, encouraging forgiveness both of self and others. Deeply supportive of emotional healing, it gives courage to release past issues and trauma while helping to bring joy to everyday life. When used in groups, it supports understanding, friendship, and cooperation.
quartz - rose
Rose quartz resonates with the energy of unconditional love (of all kinds) and compassion. Easy to find and easier to use, this stone can fill any room (or any person) with feelings of calm and love. Supporting the heart chakra, it can help you forge healthy, compassionate connections with others while sinking deep into unconditional self-love. It supports during pregnancy, as well as during loss of all kinds. It can heal deep emotional wounds from past hurts and trauma.
Rose quartz should be cleansed often, but do not put it in direct sunlight or subject it to heat, as that can alter the color.
quartz - rutilated
Rutilated quartz is a quartz formation that includes the mineral rutile, which shows up in this stone as floating gold sticks. It cleanses and energizes the auric field, drawing off negative energy and dis-ease. It helps us let go of the past and facilitates change by helping us reach the root of our problems rather than the superficial aspects. It protects against ill will of others while soothing dark moods and relieves fears, phobias, and anxieties. It also supports forgiveness, both of ourselves and of others.
quartz - smoky
Smoky quartz gets its darker color from natural (harmless) underground radiation, which gives it an extra dose of power that distinguishes it from clear quartz. It is deeply grounding and a wonderful support for moving through grief, loss, and other painful transitions. It helps you to live in the present and to let go of the past in a healthy way. It is willing to take on any energy you have been holding on to that you are ready to let go of, including fear, anxiety, negativity, and sadness. It stabilizes the energy, and its grounding nature helps to ignite your root chakra, which can make you feel more safe and secure. Smoky quartz creates a bridge between the deepest vibrations of the earth and the highest vibrations of the spirit realm.
quartz - snow
Snow quartz is a lovely milky stone that helps bring a childlike perspective uncolored by cynicism or old ideas. It is calm and soothing, with all the properties of clear quartz but gentler. It purifies energy, boosts the immune system, and activates the crown chakra.
quartz - tangerine
These powerful quartz points are coated with iron and allow the user to go deeply into the inner self to support understanding, self-acceptance, and growth. During this self-exploration, tangerine quartz can help release past traumas and issues without judgement so that they no longer hold the user back. This stone can help us better understand the events of our lives and how they have impacted us and can help protect from external chaos and drama. It grounds the chatter of the mind at the end of a long day and can help alleviate stress and tension.
quartz - titanium/rainbow aura
Titanium aura quartz is natural quartz that has been coated with titanium, which both enhances and adds to the qualities of the natural stone. It supports feelings of strength and power, helping us to find inner strength and to reach our full potential. It releases negative emotions and attachments to allow feelings of peace and serenity. This stone is powerful and energizing, promoting positive change in life. It charges, balances, and harmonizes all of the chakras and helps to quiet the mind in meditation. This beautiful rainbow aura stone promotes healing on all levels.
quart - tourmalated
Tourmalated (or tourmalinated) quartz combines the qualities both of quartz and of tourmaline. It is grounding, protective, and balancing, helping to release negative patterns. It cleanses and purifies the energy body, supporting spiritual development. It helps break through mental, emotional, and spiritual blockages, improves communication, both with others and with higher realms. It is a stone of strength and harmony.
quartz - yellow
Yellow quartz, which looks similar to but is not the same as citrine, has an uplifting energy. It supports creativity and feelings of joy and activates, cleanses, and opens the solar plexus chakra. It helps enhance feelings of self-worth, self-confidence, and personal power. Like citrine, it brings abundance and prosperity, but it also enhances clarity when you need it.
rainbow moonstone (see “moonstone - rainbow”)
rainbow tourmaline (see “tourmaline - rainbow”)
rainforest jasper (see “jasper - rainforest”)
Realgar is an uncommon stone that nonetheless has a long history of traditional, ceremonial, and other uses. It resonates strongly with the lower three chakras, especially the second (sacral) chakra, igniting drive, passion, and creativity. It helps with writer’s or other creative blocks by bringing inspiration. Realgar helps bring newfound direction in life toward things that bring fulfillment. It supports transformation that opens the user to new energies and opportunities. This is a delicate stone, however: exposure to light causes dulling of color. Realgar includes a mineral that is toxic, so this stone should not be handled regularly—this is a stone to put in your space, not one to hold during meditation. Though handling these polished stones is not dangerous, it’s a good idea to wash your hands after doing so.
red jasper (see “jasper - red”)
red tiger’s eye (see “tiger’s eye - red”)
red tourmaline (see “tourmaline -red”)
Rhodizite crystals are small but powerful. Their deeply-healing vibration makes them powerful amplifiers of energy, thought, emotion, and intention. They activate all the chakras, increasing willpower. They are known as the “master crystal” of ancient Lemuria, and the stones we were charged in Hawaii with the energy of the full moon.
Rhodochrosite is a rare and beautiful mineral that resonates deeply with the heart chakra. It is known as the Stone of the Compassionate Heart, helping the user move beyond passive empathy into compassionate action. This stone helps to shore up self-love, though, before the user pours love out into the world. Deeply healing, it helps the user dive deeply (but gently) into past traumas, injuries, and hurts to heal without being retraumatized. It helps you release pain by viewing old situations with new insight and perspective, letting go of destructive patterns that may have come from past trauma. It vibrates deeply with self-love, self-compassion, and inner-child healing.
Rhodonite is often confused with rhodochrosite, but it is aligned both with the root chakra and the heart. More protective than healing, it is known as a Barrier Talisman, helping to protect you energetically, but also mentally, physically, and spiritually. It supports you as you hold your own guard up as well, It protects you from injury and loss. A power stone, it helps you to stand in your own power, putting you in a healthy space so that you can show up from a heart-centered place of love in the world. It can help you to safely drop protective walls you’ve built around your heart so that you can welcome in love and higher truth. It can help replenish drained energy and release barriers to self-love and a sense of self-worth.
rose quartz (see “quartz - rose”)
Rubies are held to be one of the most precious stones, but they also offer healing and protective energy, even in their raw, unpolished form. A stone that supports the root, sacral, and heart chakras, ruby brings happiness and passion to life. It improves energy and concentration, boosts creativity, and brings spiritual wisdom. It also supports loyalty, honor, and compassion.
ruby in fuchSite
Ruby in fuchsite is stone of balanced strength and self-love. It teaches the user that mastery takes practice and patience. It helps to filter negative relationships from life while also supporting clearing of thoughts and feelings that keep us from resisting unhealthy relationships. This beautiful stone strongly supports setting firm and healthy boundaries.
ruby in kyanite
Ruby in kyanite helps us connect to our highest self, bringing courage, curiosity, and wisdom. It helps connect to spirit guidance and to act on that guidance. It aligns and energizes all chakras and strengthens our most positive traits while dissolving negative ones. It enhances lucid dreaming and recall, brings clarity and joyful passion, and helps us communicate our emotional needs.
ruby in zoisite
Ruby in zoisite is a very positive, almost playful stone. It soothes emotional pain, helping to heal and release grief, anger, and despair. It is a very strong support for grief over a lost loved one or for fears about our own mortality, helping the user to understand that death is another change or transition, not an end. Ruby in zoisite helps us live with more joy and gratitude, supporting living in the moment without fear. It is very helpful in accessing memories to support past-life work. It helps cultivate heart-centeredness, peace, and hope while also helping us discover and develop talents. It increases intuition and connection, fertility, and balance.
ruby recordkeeper
These ruby record keeper crystals are very special, indeed. Rubies hold the element of fire and are symbolic of life force energy. They are said to bring energy, strength, vitality, and power to those who use them. It also supports romantic love, helping to create stability, especially for those struggling in relationships. In addition to having all of the properties of rubies, the triangular etchings on the surface of the naturally hexagonal stones make them record keepers—some people believe these triangles hold the wisdom of and a connection to ancient civilizations and the Akashic records.
rutilated quartz (see “quartz - rutilated”)
A beautiful multicolored stone that is created by sand grains settling over millennia, sandstone is a stone of creativity. It stabilizes and supports relationships by helping to build and maintain bonds within relationships. It encourages truth and clarity, helping the user make good decisions. It supports feelings of ease during times of change. Sandstone supports the sacral chakra and balances mood, helping release abrasiveness in favor of loving acceptance. It is very grounding grounding, especially during meditation, helping maintain focus.
Sapphire is commonly thought of as a precious stone, and it is considered a stone of wisdom. It stimulates creativity and concentration, promoting deep thinking, peace of mind, serenity, and prosperity. It focuses and calms the mind while quieting unwanted thoughts. Often given as a romantic gift, by itself or set in jewelry, this stone encourages faithfulness and loyalty. It supports the throat and third-eye chakras, helping with sore throats and headaches caused by energy imbalances.
Sardonyx is a stone of strength and protection. It supports courage, happiness, and clear communication. It helps bring lasting happiness in marriage and other partnerships. It can heighten charisma and help to balance personality traits that are not bad but sometimes work against you.
sardonyx - green
Green sardonyx attracts positive energy and good fortune, is protective, and supports strength, courage, motivation, willpower, discipline, and integrity. It can encourage motivation to actively and intentionally create a meaningful existence in this life. A powerful heart-supporting stone, it can attract new friends or romantic partners when one is ready for meaningful connection, and it can help to support healthy and happy partnerships. It helps us to stay grounded, confident, and hopeful. Green sardonyx helps give the strength and determination needed to accomplish goals. It helps one to see opportunities for prosperity and good luck in all areas of life. The stone has a natural, balancing energy that guides one to tune with one's surroundings and find a happy medium in one's life. It can help with new beginnings or creating new, healthier habits and behaviors. It can encourage blissful and restful sleep when placed near the head of the bed.
Scolecite is a stone of peacefulness and connection. It attunes the third-eye and crown chakras to bring deep inner peace. Used in meditation, it can bring information from the past and future and guide astral travel. It also protects from negative astral energy. It breaks through mental, emotional, and physical energy stagnation. It helps with spirit connection and communication. It also enhances awareness and serenity.
Selenite vibrates with the highest, purest energy of the spirit realm. Connected to the energy of the angels, selenite brings peace and calm to any space. It also never needs to be cleansed, so it can be used to clear other stones—we have special flat slabs, called charging pads, for this purpose, which allow you to place stones directly onto the selenite to be cleared overnight. Selenite clears blocked energy, provides clarity, and helps to connect the user to their intuition.
It is very important that you never expose selenite to water. Selenite is made of gypsum, which is very friable in water—it will literally crumble if it gets wet. If you do wish to charge it, you can put it out in the light of the full moon, being very careful that it is not exposed to moisture from dew or rain.
Septarians were formed during the Cretaceous period from sea life trapped in molten rock. They are powerfully grounding, connecting to the power and nurturing of the Earth. They help replace old habits with new ones and support during times of change. They are highly protective, supporting emotional healing, particularly from trauma, and they can help connect to past lives if used during meditation.
This stone, named after angels, is thought to be a stone of spiritual enlightenment, support connection with the spiritual world. It detoxifies both the physical and the spiritual bodies, encourages positive energy, and cleanses the aura, activating and balancing the entire chakra system. It releases old patterns of dis-ease or imbalance, creating space for new patterns of well-being to form. In feng shui, seraphinite is said to bring wood energy (associated with growth, new developments, health and vitality). It supports the heart chakra, promoting heart-centered living and facilitating conscious awareness on many higher planes. It is excellent for accessing self-healing.
Serpentine is a beautiful green and white stone that helps you to be more in-tune with yourself and your intuition. It realigns the entire chakra system and supports the heart chakra, helping to bring our deepest desires to life and releasing emotions that are keeping us stuck.
shiva lingham
These smooth stones from the Narmada River in India support fertility and balance, and when they are specially formed in these elongated shapes, they are called Shiva Linghams. They are powerful fertility stones that are aligned with the energy of Lord Shiva, a Hindu diety. stabilize energy and support memory and expansion of spiritual consciousness. They offer clarity and a deep understanding of the nature of life. These stones resonate with and activate the sacral chakra, helping to ignite passion. They help us to understand our own true nature and identity so that we can break old patterns. They realign chakras and offer deeply transformative healing.
Shungite is made of 99% carbon and also includes small amounts of nearly all of the minerals in the periodic table. Interestingly, though it is primarily made of carbon, it is thought to be at least 2 billion years old, older than organic life on this planet. Because of this, we are unsure of its origins. When held or placed on the body, it can reduce inflammation and a host of common ailments, like headaches. Placed in the environment or on the body, it can shield the user from harmful electromagnetic radiation from computers, televisions, cell phones, and other electronics. It releases stress and tension, and it can be used to purify water—drop a clean shungite stone into your drinking water, let it soak for an hour or two, then remove it before drinking. Water infused with shungite carries all the same healing properties as the stone.
Soapstone is commonly believed to have a soothing, balancing effect while creating a positive, calming energy. Soapstone is valued for it the way it helps one prepare for changes in life. It is also thought to promote truth, logic as well as rational and creative thinking. Soapstone’s physical benefits are said to be balancing the digestive system, reducing irritation and skin rashes, sun burns and allergies.
smoky quartz (see “quartz - smoky”)
snow quartz (see “quartz - snow”)
snowflake obsidian (see “obsidian - snowflake”)
Sodalite is easily confused with lapis lazuli, but there are subtle differences in their appearances and in their properties. Also blue with white threads of calcite, sodalite is deeply connected with the throat chakra and supports communication. It helps you create balance between your head and your heart so that you can live in alignment with your highest self. It kindles the imagination and encourages creativity and self-expression. Sodalite is particularly supportive of the back of the throat chakra, where the energies of shame and guilt can get stuck—this stone can help clear the burdens and stories of the past that keep us trapped in self-judgment.
sodalite - sunset
Sunset sodalite looks just like regular sodalite, but it has reddish streaks where regular sodalite has white. It supports the joyful quest for truth and helps us stand in our values and beliefs. It encourages action in alignment with what is important to us and supports clarity and compassion. It brings helpful and hopeful energy and encourages patience with self-growth. It also helps to manifest financial abundance. It supports the solar plexus, heart, and third-eye chakras, releases feelings of sadness and anxiety, and helps the user to not take things too seriously and to release victim mentality.
Sphalerite is grounding and protective, helping the user to distinguish truth from fantasy so they don’t get caught up in unrealistic or impossible ideas. It helps discern what is most valuable and balances mental or spiritual overstimulation. It encourages movement, especially to help calm an overactive mind. Resonating with the lower chakras, sphalerite supports passion, creativity, and confidence.
star garnet (see “garnet - star”)
stichtite in serpentine
The magical combination of energies found in this stone soothes emotions, offering balance and reassurance. It supports love and forgiveness, promoting compassion and unity. It is also protective against negativity, both internally and externally, releasing fears of scarcity or change. It connects users with the energies of the Earth and can connect with energy and wisdom of Atlantis when used in meditation.
Stilbite is part of a group of minerals called zeolites, often found growing on or with other stones (like apophyllite, barite, and prehnite). Stilbite radiates love, opening the heart. It is very strong support in reaching the state of “no mind,” which is referenced in Buddhist meditation practices—sort of like a sense of deep inner quiet. Stilbite allows us to release the layers of self-protection that keep us from showing up authentically and from accessing joy and happiness. Also a powerful stone for manifestation, stilbite can help you make your dreams a reality. It helps you to understand messages that are in your dreams so that you can remove obstacles that block your happiness.
Stromatolite is the fossilized remains of the earliest life on Earth, microbial cyanobacteria. This ancient energy makes this a stone of transformation. It assists emotional healing and helps with past life recall during meditation. It teaches the purpose of life on Earth and our place in it. It is deeply grounding, activating the root chakra. Stromatolite is ideal for supporting new beginnings and self-discovery and supports self-confidence and finding a sense of purpose.
Sugilite generates positive energy to protect against and overcome negativity. It is deeply nurturing, helping the user release worries and stress. It supports peace of mind and healing. Sugilite is a stone of forgiveness, allowing the user to release attachments to resentment, bringing a sense of freedom and satisfaction. This beautiful deep purple stone supports the crown chakra, drawing in spiritual and unconditional love from the crown and aligning all the chakras as it brings this energy through the entire energetic body.
Sunstone is a beautiful stone that harnesses the life-giving energy of the sun. It is a stone of leadership and joy, encouraging the user to be open and benevolent. It brings good-naturedness, joy, and enjoyment of life. It cleanses the aura and all chakras, giving special energetic attention to balancing the sacral chakra and connecting it to the heart. Sunstone is like a beacon of light that helps the user find direction when unsure of where to go. It brings light, vitality, and feelings of warmth, boosting feelings of self-empowerment, self-esteem, and worthiness and clears negativity.
tangerine quartz (see “quartz - tangerine”)
Tektites are made by remains of meteorites that have heat-fused with rocks when impacting the earth. Sometimes they have the texture of rock and sometimes they’re more like black glass. They facilitate communication with spirit and other realms and encourage spiritual growth, including the development of clairvoyance. Tektites align energy meridians and chakras and remove energy blocks.
Thulite is a stone of passion and confidence, supporting those who are performing or speaking publicly. Especially powerful for introverts, thulite helps wearers to come out of their shells and express themselves with ease and self-assuredness. It can bring feelings of positivity and joy, increasing a sense of optimism. It can also help the user to feel more open in relationships and more accepting of others. A stone of deep healing, it can support those struggling with addiction and destructive habits, and it helps give strength to move on from past struggles and mistakes.
tiger iron
Tiger iron, also called mugglestone, is grounding and protective. It brings clarity and supports in manifestation. It resonates with the root, sacrum, and solar plexus. Tiger iron helps with feeling calm and centered, bringing courage, strength, and stamina.
tiger’s eye
Tiger’s eye supports self-confidence and inner strength. Once considered more valuable than gold, this beautiful iridescent stone is protective, balancing, and builds self-worth. It can help you see your strengths and accept every aspect of yourself. It helps to ward off seasonal blues, balancing emotions and bringing the energy of the sun on even the darkest of days. It helps the user remain centered amid the inevitable chaos of life. It can offer support with the challenging emotions around money, particularly as finances connect to self-confidence. Supporting all three of the lower chakras, tiger’s eye helps to activate your energy centers, helping you to feel well-grounded, safe, and strong.
tiger’s eye - black
Black tiger's eye helps the wearer overcome fear, anxiety, and negative emotions, offering protection and grounding. It can help enhance connections with the spiritual realm, amplifying insight, intuition, and courage. It can also help provide insight into difficult situations by helping you stay focused on your inner voice rather than being swayed by outside influences.
tiger’s eye - blue
Blue tiger’s eye has all the flash of “regular” tiger’s eye, but with slightly different properties. Like tiger’s eye, it is protective, but it is also a stone of strength and willpower that balances emotions and brings feelings of comfort and harmony. Like most blue stones, it supports good communication. It also encourages flow, mental clarity, and inner peace. It nurtures strength and courage, while releasing anxiety, helping you stay connected to Spirit no matter what obstacles you face.
tiger’s eye - red
Red tiger’s eye is protective, grounding, and balancing. It increases feelings of self-confidence and self-worth. It can help the user stay calm even in stressful, chaotic situations. Some believe that red tiger’s eye awakens hidden talents. It resonates with the root chakra, helping the user feel present and grounded while also feeling more positive and self-assured. Using red tiger’s eye can help you to act when you aren’t sure what to do. It supports lung, heart, skin, and joint health.
titanium aura quartz (see “quartz - titanium/rainbow aura”)
topaz - blue
Blue topaz supports truth and forgiveness, bringing the feelings of compassion that are needed to connect and build bridges with others. It relaxes the user, body, mind, and spirit, recentering and recharging the user. It helps connect to the higher self in meditation, stabilizes emotions, and opens the user to love. Blue topaz releases arrogance and self-righteousness, supporting with calm verbalization in tense or stressful situations.
tourmalated quartz (see “quartz - tourmalated”)
tourmaline - black
Black tourmaline is a stone of protection. Use it over the primary entrances to your home—even the windows—to keep out unwanted negative energy and to protect you and your home against negative energy and ill will. It absorbs the negative energy around it like a sponge, including feelings of fear and anxiety. Supportive of the root chakra, it ensures that you are building on a strong energetic foundation so that you can move into the world with confidence and security. It blocks harmful electromagnetic radiation from computers, televisions, cell phones, and other electronics, while also helping to boost your metabolism and support lung health. Black tourmaline helps you to feel the safety, security, and confidence necessary to be open to seeking truth and deeper meaning in life.
tourmaline - green (in quartz)
Green tourmaline in quartz has numerous emotional healing abilities. Green tourmaline is a supreme heart chakra crystal. It strengthens relationships and deeply connects to the earth. It can be used to help heal past life traumas, and it enhances the flow of abundance. Like all Tourmalines, it is a protective stone which is said to balance and harmonize the chakras, and quartz amplifies all of these properties.
tourmaline - rainbow
Rainbow tourmaline includes tourmaline that is a mix of the many of the colors that it comes in. These colors are created by the variety of minerals that compose each color, so the properties of rainbow tourmaline are influenced by these minerals. In general, these colorful stones align the chakras and absorb negative energy. While they help to ground, they also help connect to spirit world. They transform destructive energies into unconditional love and help increase feelings of joy and contentment with life. Rainbow tourmaline heals deeply while protecting the user, bringing harmony and balance and supporting passion and enthusiasm.
tourmaline - red
Red tourmaline, some gem-quality specimens of which are classified as rubellite, brings energy, strength, and vitality. This variety of tourmaline is deeply connected with the heart chakra, supporting love, compassion, emotional healing, and self-love. It is very calming, helping to release anxiety and to support during times of grief. It encourages an influx of joy, love, and happiness, helping to bring back your passion for life. Red tourmaline lets you know that it’s safe to love—and to be loved. Most specimens include quartz, which amplifies their overall energy, and lithium, which helps support with calm and balancing of the emotions. Using this stone, you can release stress and anxiety and replace them with ease, peace, hope, and love.
tourmaline - watermelon
Watermelon tourmaline has two colors in one stone that both resonate with the heart chakra. Because of this, this beautiful stone is very heart-supporting. It helps to heal insecurities that interfere with creativity and self-expression while also removing energy blockages. It can help resolve romantic issues in a healthy way, giving the user perspective while releasing negative behavior patterns.
tree agate
Tree agate helps connect with energies of nature and the intuitive powers of regeneration and the Earth. It protects from energy vampires and dispels self-judgment and the inner critic. It not only helps people: it can be placed in soil to support plant health and growth.
truffle chalcedony
Truffle chalcedony, also known as womb stone, chalcedony nodules, and chalcedony balls, are rare botryoidal chalcedony clusters only found in Morocco. Used to support fertility, these stones are also powerful manifesters.
Turquoise is a very popular stone that has become increasingly rare. Many stones that look like turquoise are actually dyed howlite. True turquoise is stone of communication, supporting the throat chakra both in helping communication but also in physical health. It encourages enthusiasm, inspiring new projects and bringing up undiscovered creative abilities. It encourages attention to detail and attracts prosperity and success. The large quantity of copper super-charges the healing properties of this stone as it relieves inflammation and balances mood. It also supports self-acceptance and self-forgiveness.
Unakite has a special relationship with the heart, supporting the user in understanding their emotions more deeply. It helps to release emotions that are no longer serving, bringing to the surface past causes of current dis-ease, while helping us to push through difficult emotional situations to find inner peace. It naturally enhances any emotion, more than it shifts emotions—it will help make you more aware of what you’re feeling without changing those feelings. It will help you to release conditions inhibiting spiritual and psychological growth.
Vanadinite helps you to find what you need to return to health and wellness. It protects against environmental radiation, even low-frequency fields. It helps balance and enhance sexual energy and reproductive functions, supports lungs, especially when experiencing breathing difficulties, and supports root chakra. The deep grounding it brings helps to ground the soul into the body so you can feel more physical comfort in your body and your environment. It helps you conserve your energy so you don’t waste it on tasks and people who are not a good use of your energy. Vanadinite helps with integration of lessons from difficult or traumatic experiences. Though it is a beautiful raw stone, it has a high lead content—wash your hands after handling it, and keep it away from children and pets. If using it to make a crystal elixir, use the indirect method.
Variscite is a stone of abundance. It supports deep connectedness to the self, allowing the user to feel a greater sense of control over their emotions. It helps to release hyper-focus on outcome, allowing the mind to simplify situations to navigate them with less anxiety and stress. It is grounding and helps to enhance feelings of joy, peace, and harmony. Variscite is connected to the heart chakra, opening the heart and stimulating compassion and love, which fosters a deep connection to all of the living beings on this planet.
watermelon tourmaline (see “tourmaline - watermelon”)
white calcite (see “calcite - white”)
white lace agate
White lace agate brings calm and clarity. It supports during pregnancy and postpartum, balancing yin and yang (feminine and masculine) energy and protecting the user and the baby. It enhances intuition and helps the user avoid negative energy and situations. It opens doors to new opportunities and brings new people into your life who are aligned with positive energy.
yellow calcite (see “calcite - yellow”)
yellow jasper (see “jasper - yellow”)
yellow quartz (see “quartz - yellow”)
zebra calcite (see “calcite - zebra”)
zebra jasper (see “jasper - zebra”)
Zeolites are a group of minerals that include apophyllite, stilbite, prehnite, heulandite, and others. They tend to grow with other crystals, usually in a matrix form. Those stones that we have generally categorized as Zeolites are ones that combine multiple stones that are hard to identify separately. This in no way diminishes their beauty, appeal, power, or usefulness. Zeolites are wonderful to use with Reiki energy, as they can help the user attune to the energies in the body (your own or a client’s) and facilitate healing. They help to release toxins from the body and can support with the symptoms of withdrawal from addictive substances. They help to release negative energy both in people and in physical spaces.
zoisite in nephrite jade
This unusual stone combination joins the properties of zoisite and nephrite jade. It offers the deep peace, balance, and strength of nephrite jade, as well as the recentering and balance of zoisite. It brings user back to the self, back to center—like a mental/emotional/spiritual reset button. It helps reset the mind after an unwelcome interruption, and it helps to release all kinds of negative feelings, including grief, anger, defeat, and hopelessness, dissolving the stories that feed these feelings.