Quartz Crystal: Nature’s Most Powerful and Versatile Tool

stock photo by Tengyart

Clear quartz is probably the easiest stone to identify for the amateur enthusiast, or even for someone utterly disinterested: its clarity and shape make it distinctive among common stones. For those who are drawn to using crystals for healing, clear quartz is often where they start, but most don’t understand the powerful support quartz can offer for healing, seeking, and protection.

Easy to Find

Clear quartz is among the most common stones and is readily available at just about every physical and virtual shop that deals in rocks and metaphysical goods. When choosing a crystal, do not go based on appearance or size: go with your gut. Which piece “calls” to you the most? Which one do you like or feel connected to without really knowing why? Don’t over-think it.


Clear quartz’s strongest aspect is that it can amplify any intention and the healing properties of any other stone. You can use it alone or with other stones to heal the body, protect your home, or to support a particular intention. The latter necessitates programming it (see below).

Infinitely Programmable

Clear quartz likes to have jobs: this makes it infinitely programmable. To program your quartz, think deeply about what your intention may be. What part of your life needs some attention, energy, or love? Where are you struggling? Hold your quartz between your hands and focus your attention on it. Try to connect with its energy. Intend that you are filling it with your (positive!) intention. Talk to it, if you feel comfortable. You can “seal” your programming by charging it in the sunlight or the moonlight, or by putting it onto a selenite charging pad. Carry it with you or leave it in a space you frequent to receive the benefits of the programmed quartz.


stock photo by Zdeněk Macháček

Your clear quartz crystal can be a wonderful guide and source of inspiration. One of the best ways to connect with it is through meditation. Hold it in your hand and focus your attention on it. Try to connect with its energy. Ask it for help or guidance for a particular issue or for support for your highest good. Sit in meditation as you continue to hold it in your hand. Be open and receptive to whatever guidance you receive—don’t second-guess or over-think.

There are hundreds of stones that you can use to support healing, but the quartz family—especially clear quartz—is a good place to start. If you are interested in learning more, keep an eye out for our next Crystal Self-Healing Workshop in the spring!

(Originally posted February 12, 2019)


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